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Ditch Auto - Start Shooting in Manual

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  1. Introduction

    Introduction to the course and overview of what will be covered
  2. Setting up your camera and understanding the basic controls
  3. Introduction to aperture, shutter speed, and ISO
  4. How to change the exposure settings on your camera
  5. Aperture
    Understanding aperture and how it affects the depth of field in your photos
  6. Choosing the right aperture for different situations
  7. Using aperture to control the amount of light in your photos
  8. Shutter Speed
    Understanding shutter speed and how it affects the motion in your photos
  9. Choosing the right shutter speed for different situations
  10. Using shutter speed to control the amount of light in your photos
  11. ISO
    Understanding ISO and how it affects the sensitivity of your camera's sensor
  12. Choosing the right ISO for different situations
  13. Choosing the right ISO for different situations
  14. Exposure Triangle
    Understanding the relationship between aperture, shutter speed, and ISO
  15. Balancing the exposure triangle to achieve the right exposure in different situations
  16. Metering and Exposure Compensation
    Understanding how your camera meters light and how to use exposure compensation to adjust the exposure
  17. Using spot metering and center-weighted metering to meter specific areas of your scene
  18. Composition
    The Rule of Thirds
  19. Leading Lines
  20. Framing
  21. Negative Space
  22. Balance and Symmetry
  23. Advanced Techniques
    Using Filters
  24. Long Exposure Photography
  25. High Dynamic Range (HDR) Photography
  26. Editing and Post-Processing
    Introduction to editing software
  27. Basic Edits - Cropping and Exposure
  28. Making Advanced Edits - Retouching & Color Grading
  29. Exporting and sharing your photos
  30. Conclusion
    Review of key concepts learned in the course
  31. Next steps for further learning and improving your photography skills
  32. Thank You!
Lesson 1 of 32
In Progress

Introduction to the course and overview of what will be covered

Jerad Hill December 22, 2022